If you're getting ready for the upcoming ski season you might want to know this!
According to research, experts say that people should be conditioning and prepping for a new sport season for around 8-12 weeks. The reason for the 8-12 week time period is due to how long the body takes to improve from strength or cardio training. With at least 3 sessions of movement per week, your body will begin to show measurable improvements at that point. That means, you should be getting your body ready for ski season 2-3 months prior to your first day on the hill!
November is pretty much when skiing really starts to happen here in the Rockies so that means you should be starting ski conditioning in August! But Tara, it's already November, what do I do?!?!
Well, that's easy, even if you didn't start in August, September, or October there is no better time to start than right now! Sign up today for the December MTN-FIT Program to get your body on the right track for ski season. MTN-FIT is only $35/month and focuses on getting you ready for the sports you love!